‘All the physical inconveniences with your body responding to the later timezone can be circumvented,’ they said, ‘by taking a later plane’.
If it only were that easy :-).
But it’s not just the sleep, though that was what I was anticipating most. Turns out my stomach knows how to communicate it’s needs very well, and – considering the local time – at odd hours.
It’s been two days since our flight now and the family is slowly adjusting. We rented a car at EZ rent (without any ‘THIS IS A RENTAL’ stickers – for safety, apparantly), drove to our friends Steven and Leslie in Victorville and crashed.
At the moment it’s 17.19 local time, meaning 2.19 European time. Not exactly boring, but yes: Yawn!
Some tips to beat jet lagging:
- Say yes to lots of water.
- Say no to alcohol, caffeine.
- Set your mind and clocks to your destination time.
- Get some sleep on the plane (say yes to: earplugs, nightcaps).
- Say yes to sources of melatonin such as walnuts, cherries, tomatoes if you are supposed to sleep.
- Say yes to lavendar to calm your body.
- Say yes to rosemary (or mint) if you are supposed to be awake.