If this error message does not trigger a response from the monitoring service you use, you can create a file in the root folder and have the monitor check that specific file.
I’ve been using StatusCake since 2017 or thereabouts.
They send out warnings to my email address, a message on Telegram, and SMS.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Database connectivity test | <?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ?></title> </head> <body> <?php // Try to load the database connection information @include( 'wp-config.php' ); if( !defined( 'DB_NAME' )) { // The config file could not be found - no testing possible, report an error so this can be fixed http_response_code(503); echo "Config not found."; } else { try { // Attempt to connect $mysqli = new mysqli( "localhost", DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME ); // Check connection if( $mysqli->connect_errno ) { http_response_code(503); echo "Error connecting to database: " .$mysqli->connect_error; } else { echo "OK"; } } catch( Exception $e ) { http_response_code(503); echo "Error connecting to database: " . $mysqli -> connect_error; } } ?> </body> </html>
Additionally and alternatively, if you can create a file db-error.php and store it in the wp-content folder, WordPress will show that file instead of the dreaded standard one, in case the database server goes away.