My AJ friend

Hi memo today ill tell you little about my AJ friend.

So when I first saw her (she was an arctic wolf) then I was in the wolves only party and she sang ‘pink fluffy unicorn is dancing on rainbows’ I know that song to so I joined singing it. Then she sang it again and she sead ‘ pink ‘ I sead fluffy she sead unicorn I sead is she sead dancing I sead on and then we both sead rainbow then she sead YES to me. And we began to know each other better and then  we met someone else (she also was an arctic) and her name was puppy and my friend’s name is animal girl.

And I asked do u like my little pony? And she sead yes. And we all went to her den but then my buddy Queenwish came to it was a party goin and lots of ppl came to. And guess what she had a……….. PRINCESS CASTLE!!!!

I asked if I could live there and she sead ok. She sent me to my own beautiful room!! BYE MEMO.