Category: Thinking
Based on a chat with a good friend, I was thinking this: Once you give a person the opportunity to discover something for themselves, it will be harder to convince them of anything else, even if the facts that are the basis of that “discovery”…
I once was told off by George Verwer. It was regarding the book “The Calvary Road” by Hession, to which he wrote the introduction. I still haven’t been able to read through it in its entirety, because of fundamentally difference insights (which are coming from…
T. Kieboom described the character traits of gifted people and grouped them in a “character panel” (Dutch: ZijnsLuik). Oftentimes, these characteristics are seen as character flaws (the usual nature/nurture debate). Be careful of “fixing” something that’s actually nature. More reading: W. Schollaart-Vogel, 2008, Faith…
The theories of Fowler and Oser/Gmünder provide a framework for understanding the way in which individuals develop their faith and spirituality over time. In combination with Kieboom’s Character Panel, this gives a reference frame which I hope will give you increased understanding of how some…
Speaking with the one who created us, who also redeemed us, saved us, and guides us if we let him, that builds our relationship: me with Him and He with me. That speaking has many sides – we talked about worship, praise and thanksgiving on…
Ungdom i Oppdrag (ywam) er en organisasjon med apostolisk kall. Organisasjonen er ikke noe menighet og er heller ikke tenkt å være det. Noen tanker rundt det, etter et innlegg fra vår venn Raymond Billy som jobber ved YWAM Ships, Kona, Hawaii. Vi har vært…
Faces are like keys. If you know a face, you know the person who owns that face. Seeing or just thinking of that person unlocks many of the things you know about that person: some of the good, some of the not so good… but…
We heard Bertie Brits the other day. He spoke about trust and shared a few very interesting things. I do a horrible job at remembering Trust Between the serpent speaking and Adam & Eve eating from the tree, there was loss of trust. I won’t…
So here we were at the local supermarket. Maria and I had just paid for our stuff with our bank card and the guy at the counter laughed when I said out loud that the amount of 67,76 Euros was the same as our bank pin code. People…
François Botes spoke (and sang) about the longings of the heart at Kristen Tjeneste last week. A very interesting topic. I’ll list the topics he mentioned here. You’ll have to lookup the verses and wrap your thoughts around it yourself, or you can download his…
After a discussion with my friend this morning, I found my way to a website that kickstarted some thoughts about my passion – and purpose. It’s a bit much “me”-focused, but to identify my passion, that would seem to be necessary :-). The rough outcome…
Driving to a new place usually takes more time than driving back. So many new impressions and your mind has a lot to work with. Repeating the same route will initially bring confirmations “I’ve seen this before”, and eventually you’ll get bored bored bored. To…